University of Sydney, 2-4 September 2015
Providing training in areas where the Programmes of the Global Campus can contribute their particular regional perspective and analytical skills to the integrated analysis of the current challenges facing human rights and democracy.
The pilot experience consists of five components –four seminars and one workshop— delivered on 3-4 September 2015 at the University of Sydney. The Guest Programmes are to be primarily responsible for the delivery of the first four components (three 60 minute individual seminars and one 120 minute joint triple seminar) and the Host Programme will be responsible for a fifth component with the format and length of its own choice.
Wednesday 2nd September – Closed preparation session
Thursday 3rd September 9:00 am- COMPONENT 1 (individual seminar – 60 Minutes) European System, delivered by Prof. Dr. Gerd Oberleitner, University of Graz.
Thursday 3rd September 10:30 am COMPONENT 2 (individual seminar – 60 minutes) Inter-American System, delivered by Ms. Veronica Gomez, University of San Martin.
Thursday 3rd September 12:00 am COMPONENT 3 (individual seminar – 60 minutes) African System, delivered by Prof. Frans Viljoen, University of Pretoria.
Friday 4th September 9:00 a.m.- COMPONENT 4 (joint seminar – 120 minutes including a break) Integrated study of regional promotion and protection of human rights in Europe, Africa and the Americas. Delivered jointly by Prof. Frans Viljoen, Prof. Dr. Gerd Oberleitner and Ms. Veronica Gomez.
For more information see this document: Integrated Teaching Of Regional Protection of Human Rigths in Europe, Latin America And Africa